Private Dog Training
John Walton’s Dog Training
Experience the convenience of private dog training right in your own home! Private lessons are exactly what it means. Your dog will benefit from these lessons that cover all your personal issues with your dog, focusing on your dog’s potential with personalized training.
One on one training gives you the individual attention to address your dogs every need. We teach you how to train your own dog under professional instructions. The courses we have available are guaranteed to get results.
Private dog training sessions include:
- Basic Course – Once a Week for 6 Weeks
- Advanced Course – 12 Weeks at Home, as well as Public Areas Such as Dog Parks, Shopping Stores (Petco™), etc.
- Full Course – Training Your Dog Completely, Professionally Teaching All Commands, & Eliminating Negative Issues. With love and praise, your dog can be taken through a course that will build your dog’s behavior to its highest potential as well as educating you to maintain your dog’s training and to make it a part of their life.Train the dog and teach the owner to live and work together. Nothing beats this extensive private training program! Trained for you, by the best!
“Sometimes we put our great treasures in museums. Other times we take them for walks.”